The ZIP editors / ECC&ZF engineers decided on a height for the NU6 testnet activation: 2976000, which should be reached around August 28, 21:00 UTC (this Wednesday).
If you run a Testnet node, you should update your zcashd or zebrad node with the versions that are about to be released (probably tomorrow). If you don’t update in time, you will need to update and re-sync your node.
Pinging people I think are running testnet nodes: @aarnott@Cacho
Yes, sorry about that. Our timeline was slipping and we had to get things going. For the mainnet activation there will be much more time to update. Thank you!
We are less than 24 hours away from the announced NU6 testnet activation yet no zcashd nor zebrad releases have happened, as Docker images or otherwise. When should operators expect a release?
A delay would make sense to be respectful to testnet node operators.
Edit: I missed the Zcashd release on Github, my mistake. (thanks @pacu ). Can we get a Docker Hub image published for Zcashd so that I do not have to fork?
A heads-up for those who are interested, NU6 activates on testnet in about 45 minutes. Anyone running zcashd 5.9.x or zebrad 1.8.x on testnet should shut down or upgrade their nodes in order to avoid following the wrong fork.
Apologies for the short notice; the zcashd release was delayed due to problems with testing backported security fixes; once zcashd was ready, we wanted to set the testnet activation height as soon as possible so as to give as much time as possible for remediation in case anything goes wrong with activation on testnet, so that we have as much time as possible to update for mainnet activation. We already had to shorten the normal 16-week EOS halt window in order to ensure that v5.10.0 nodes would halt before the halving.
ZCashd Mainnet is returning a different response than Zcashd testnet for getblockchaininfo. Mainnet is not returning chainValue and chainValueZat for transparent pool. This change was introduced after 5.10 update.
After reviewing the documentation it looks like chainValue/chainValueZat is optional in rpc. I´ll update the explorer code unless you have a different opinion.