This is our fortnightly community and communications update, for the latest update on the engineering front, check out last week’s update.
This week 2.0.1 was released! It is the first Sapling RPC supported version of the Zcash node software. We recommend everyone update their zcashd clients to 2.0.1. More information about the release is available in this recent announcement.
Also, we’re just over 1 week away from the Sapling activation! If you run a full node (whether zcashd or WinZEC), please make sure that it’s updated to 2.0.1 to both stay on the main chain and have Sapling support in the RPC.
From the blog…
We continue to post Perspectives videos, last week we featured a three-video set about Regulation from Peter Van Valkenburgh and this week Jill Carlson shared her point of view about Driving Adoption and Emerging Markets.
We wrote a blog post about Sapling Transaction Anatomy. The goal with this one is to educate users on the nuanced differences in how transactions could look on services like block explorers. While minor in change, we’re trying to cover all the bases on education so there’s no surprises.
We’ll be participating in the Multicoin Summit next week.
Just after activation a couple of Zcash engineers are presenting a deep dive on Sapling for the SF Cryptocurrency Developers meetup on Oct 31st. If you’re in the area, you won’t want to miss it!
Keep an eye out for Zcash meetups in your area. There are a few planned for Sapling activation and the Foundation is working on putting together a Google hangout livestream with some engineers and the meetups that will be happening during activation so keep an eye out for those.
Check out this interview with Zcash engineer @bradmiller by the Exodus team: What is Zcash ZEC and the Sapling Network? - YouTube
And this excellent overview of the Sapling network upgrade: ZCash Sapling Upgrade: What is it? | Everything You Need to Know
Finally, the Zcash Foundation announced an update on their grant program and previous grant recipients: home - zcash foundation