On-chain tracking of Monero and other Cryptonotes

Out of curiousity i readed about 2-3 months the fireice comments/posts back on the reddit monero channel.
My subjective impressions is that the moderation there looks hostile to critical views there. A lot of toxity there and i personally never would stay with such community to be honest.

I was able to track a single post down where he/she (fireice) mentioned ryo currency ( i guess that’s the project he/she is involved) and that after being asked if they have the same problem like Monero. I don’t think this should be a big deal. Projects on the same algo should work together and i never have seen hostility on Zcash forum towards other projects on equihash like KMD, ZEN, whatever when they are mentioned, compared and so on. Thumbs up to the ZEC Forum moderation at this point!

You guys at the Monero channels/forums should have kept this guy fireice better. Critical views, at least in my opinion, contribute a lot to the community, no matter this might contain unpopular views or is unpopular by the majority of the community.