Also agree here strongly
As I’ve sung the same song for more than a year now, I’ll keep singing it. The Block Reward creates perverse incentives within the Zcash ecosystem, where an Us and Them bi-polar power struggle is inevitable (ongoing. and also, I’ll note counter-productive. Yielding value-less features, bureaucratic bloat, power-struggle no-action dilemmas, trivial debate, mission creep, et al).
Removing the Block Reward eliminates the Us vs Them ecosystem (an anti-cohesive community disposition) and aligns everyone’s interests behind Zcash (ZEC).
Removing the Block Reward is a powerful meme for the crypto industry. The current Block Reward meme has perpetual, negative impacts to the Zcash brand.
Do the CEO of ECC and the ED of ZF (and ZCG) believe that the Block Reward is critical? Of course they do, its where they and all of their subordinates get their paychecks from (I genuinely cannot blame them for taking this obviously self-interested position). Have any of their efforts in the past 5+ years resulted in prosperous ZEC stakeholders?! Heck no, we have the evidence. And I have additional news, these unfavorable outcomes are in large part because of the perverse incentives created by an indiscriminate Free Funding Model. There are many other crypto projects of similiar age and notoriety, without self-funding models, that have created significantly greater market penetration and adoption (Yes, some of this is merely chance, but in equal parts it involves building features that matter, memes, and community cohesion - all in order to drive price and adoption).
Spending ZEC block rewards on something as tangential and value-less (I’m happy to see evidence of the contrary) as Trademark defense, serves as Icing on the Cake for my arguments against continuing the block reward model. It is a case-study in how the block reward can perversely incentivize afterthoughts, like Trademarking, in a young and precarious crypto project like Zcash.
Lastly, to Zooko’s new mental framing theme, which I think is very helpful, these points are all about trade-offs. More funding, less cohesion, good/ bad memes, secure staffing, trivialities, bureaucracy, stakeholder success, etc et