I was disturbed to find that someone was pressured out of Zcash governance for what, to an outside view of that thread, appears to be no substantive reason but his strong opposition to POS. I am more disturbed that there are some users on this forum (some of whom wear mod hats) who apparently believe it is generally ipso facto harassment to express unpopular opinions about important issues—or for me to be “tenacious” in my opinions, viz., to resist groupthink and peer pressure.
I do think, @daira, that to the inverse of what you suggested, “POS supporters are just talking to people who already agree with them.” I understand that when something is such a popular trend, to see widespread misconceptions and unexamined assumptions challenged may be surprising, or may even cause some cognitive dissonance.
When I have raised substantive arguments about this in other threads, there was no substantive discussion. Here, when I raised substantive arguments, one person eventually PMed me a counterargument (which, incidentally, is much answered by what I have said already here and in other threads). I am here to engage with the community; with few exceptions, I am not interested in chatting with any particular individual. Thus, I am happy that the sender of that PM agreed to take the discussion public. I will be replying at length—probably in a new thread, as a proper answer speaks to the underlying issues, not to Dorsey’s tweets.
It’s a shame that this (and catching up on Zcash “governance” drama) has distracted me from what I would really like to write about on this forum: Positive new directions for Zcash—market opportunities that I think have been entirely overlooked. (This is a general problem with privacy promotion; I have been grappling with how to explain it in an essay titled, “Privacy is an elephant,” by reference to the ancient Indian parable.) I think that unfortunately, Zcash has fallen into some bad antipatterns which have empirically failed in “governance” and at market—which will require uninhibited, issue-focused critique to correct; and I think that POS lacks a long-term future, its current trendiness notwithstanding.