Price Speculation

Couldn’t agree more - obviously they are pretty clueless. I do get why platform plays would be ranked highly, but even then it has some very large flaws if you look at all the C ranked coins. Numerical ratings would have made more sense in general, and some actual analysis on current functionality, teams, future plans, etc. Would have made a lot of sense too. It’s almost like they just look at pricing history and things like that, as opposed to everything else going into it.

Personally, I think ZEC had good timing on market entry for a non-premined, non-hardfork coin, especially given the wealth distribution within bitcoin (which is why everyone keeps hard-forking it). That said, I wanted to mine bitcoin back in late 2009, but had zero money and my mom thought it was a terrible idea, and just an excuse for me to have a gaming rig so I didn’t have to game at 2 fps (yeah, it was that bad). Had I been able to do that, and been able to sit on a fat stack of btc, I would be all for the hard forking ideas as well lol (although it’s still not the solution in my opinion - which is why I love ZEC).


In regard to the weiss rating, yeah have to agree with the ‘shame on them sentiment’ to rank coins that copy the hard work of zcash team the same shows some major flaws in their system.
As Hairdawg states a numeric scale would be more appropriate. Does anyone else want to comment on the coingecko ratings, i find it sad to see zcash slipping down this, didnt we used to be #17?

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I think tomorrow should be a good day for at least an up trend!

Oh boy! Looks like US is going to get Zcash on a Zero fee exchange once Robin Hood goes live for crypto. They are already well established in stock trading, so this should be legit!


Anytime I see something like Verge ranked above Zcash, it makes me wonder. Nothing against verge, I just think Zcash has a stronger team, better product, and brighter future. I also believe that the only reason verge is where it is, is because of John Macafee, trading bots, and some false comments, and then a bunch of fear from the people getting in on that ride up.

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All the others are better at hype. If ZCash would hype, too, the effects would be immediately known. They do nothing to market their clear benefit to the world.

I cannot overstate the need for effective mass communication. There are loads of great products out there who have come and gone that failed to market effectively against inferior competitors. ZCash will go that way if they are not careful and fail to fully take heed of the lessons from the past.

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Sorry but also have to think ‘especially as they give tech advantage away’
Sorry but that philosophy while admirable does not imho help our case, so many coins now able to claim zksnarks, even biggest challenge (eth)

I’m guessing they are going to be starting to do that, however, I think they could potentially be waiting to super hype until some of their newer features are closer to completion. That said, for short quick money, hype definitely works lol, and if you don’t market it at all, that’s also an issue.

Trillions are coming to zcash or atleast to the crypto market according to zooko

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No fix ux first… Then marketing


Another big dip… Do you guys think this dip is happenig because of futures that are expirinig today?

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I came here to post this. Huge news!

It’s more than probable, wall street has got the “few” millions necessary for driving the prices where they wish (cryptodaily yesterday posted a video stating only 15 million is needed to move bitcoin price of about 1000$)…

What is the site that has the futures contracts and when they expire?

Zcash was rated A by Weiss

no they rated zcash C which is worst than bitcoin

The World Power Mechanism seems interested in cryptos:

I believe the interest is in how they can control, regulate, tax it and how they can divest people from it.

An interesting quote:

Mnuchin of the US Treasury Department (god help us):

“My number-one focus on cryptocurrencies, whether that be digital currencies or bitcoin or other things, is that we want to make sure that they’re not used for illicit activities,” Mnuchin remarked, according to a report from Reuters. "

It’s always under the guise of child protection, protecting the elderly and fighting terrorism that we see draconian laws pass. Their reason is “safety”, but their true motive is the maintenance of power and control.

I’ve read a lot of law over the years, and what I think is that more oppressive laws will become a reality for those who have cryptocurrencies. It disgusts me…just some morning commentary.

Fortunately, we have Z-addresses and real privacy with ZCash :slight_smile:

I’ve read several articles recently about tools the government has to analyze blockchain transactions. Another reason for privacy safeguards if you ask me, and not all those who seek to maintain privacy over their monetary transactions are those who do it illicitly.


our volume is ridiculously low… imo, at current levels zcash is illiquid. bummer is, our volume is pitiful, but our markets still remain efficient. weird!

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Its between 450-470 a while now, its time to go over 600 and stay there.

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and then onto 5000!!! (20 char)