I am concerned with enhancing my own security.
Happily this goal is aligned with another thing I value which is enhancing my community’s security… and even more happily that goal is consistent with a radically inclusive community… to wit, everyone.
To be clear, this is a post about community values… it’s about Identity <–(notice the capital “I
”) and Values! This post is not about something other than Identity, or Values <–(more caps).
Since we’re here, I’d like to mention that I have another value which is Reason. I like to use evidence based thoughtful arguments to expand my understanding of the Universe… especially around issues where I need to make decisions. As Far As I Can Tell, this is a really healthy way to approach decisions, and a fun way to approach the universe.
Since my last post on this forum I engaged in behavior that has become commonplace for me since last summer.
As (I hope) you are aware there are at least 3 widely available z2z wallets.
I was in a ride-share car yesterday.
The driver and I chatted about stuff… the usual stuff… is there such a thing?
Anyway, he like most people I discuss zcash with, was quite interested in the topic, and very open to trying out a z2z wallet.
At the end of the exchange I left him with a zcash (z2z) tip and the sticker in the picture (I bought that sticker with… guess what?!?).
The driver example is just one of many examples of me introducing people to z2z zcash in the past month.
I prefer to offer to pay for goods-or-services with zcash during in person interactions.
I didn’t require any permission to invite this person to join the zcash community. I just extended the invitation (which was quite positively received). I don’t know how that person will use zcash. Will they engage in a range of z2z mediated activities? My crystal ball fails me.
I also engage in repeated business with my local coffee shop owner. He makes me a latte, I pay him z2z zcash… lather-rinse-repeat. He definitely knows a great deal about zcash-based products and services, because now he’s shopping for places to spend his zcash. In particular, he mentions resources to me, that I hadn’t previously been aware of. We’ve been chatting about getting his roaster to roast a batch of beans for z2z zcash. Meanwhile I have the intention of paying dues at my gym and hackerspace with z2z zcash.
Is there governance involved here? Yes! I am governing myself in these choices! The people I have onboarded into the community are themselves making autonomous choices that impact the expansion of The Anonymity Set, and more generally the vibrance of the zcash community. So the “governance” is distributed among us… more distributed with each new adopter.
Is the security (including privacy) of the community enhanced by my actions? Yes. I have directly engaged in a number of z2z transactions, I have indirectly catalyzed some other number of z2z transactions that I was not party to.
Now I would like to circle back to an earlier point. I said that I valued “Reason”. I’d like to invite reasoned discussion of this strategy. In particular I am curious about @tromer 's opinion on this post because:
I believe that he and I have disagreed in the past. I believe he has thoughtfully explained the reasoning behind his Different Position, in the past, and I have consequently changed my mind. In other words, I feel like I learn interesting things… gain insights from, @tromer 's reasoning. I Value that!
As a challenge, I’d like you (Dear Reader), to consider how many people you have onboarded in the last month…
Finally, I want to highlight something I believe to be critical:
I could NOT have engaged in this behavior 1 year ago. The technical innovation of the wallet developers (atop the innovations of the protocol developers, atop the innovations of ZK proof cryptographers, atop the innovations of Professor Ian Meiers… atop the innovations of Aristotle) enabled this new possibility for me. Thank you Ian!!!
- Wallet innovation has enabled me to personally expand the anonymity set
- This is a distributed process where governance is localized to each actors individual decision
- The same innovation that empowered me, and autonomy that I exercised, is now in the hands of each individual I have onboarded. Each of them has the potential to catalyze z2z usage and (more importantly!!) more adopters non-linearly.