Problems with Rocket Chat?

Is anyone else having trouble with the Zcash Rocket Chat? I’m getting a “site took too long to respond” error in my browser, and it doesn’t ever load all the way in the desktop client for me, either. Everything else on my machine and the Net appears to be working fine.

I’m on Century Link DSL, if that helps anyone else diagnose this.

no problem here
when we had those spam attacks the site took a moment to load but loaded fine

Did you try clearing your cache?

I wonder if its my ISP or something between me and the rocket chat servers, then?

try a different browser?

Hm seems to be slow for me too

yeah I’m trying a different browser right now too…not helping…trying on my phone now

ugh, “failed to connect to server” from my android phone

There is a server issue, I’m looking into it

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i just reloaded a few times and switched between posts, no issues

posts? are you talking about the forum or the chat, @BaldEagle?

We are talking about the at, not the forums

ah sorry my bad 20cchar

The Host, is also down, the servers are located in France & Germany and are all timing out :sweat:

do you have data on where most users are? would US servers make more sense?

I’m just hoping that this is a glitch and not a DDOS

yeah that’s what I was thinking, too

Same here and could be. My two other Rocketchat servers are fine. Only Zcash forum can’t connect.

Rocket chat is back up, was just a human error on the server side.