Rescanning wallet a week and Progress is moving backward

Zcashd’s memory usage, sry

yes, 160 G.

Are you running other software too? Your specs seem more than enough for zcashd.

If I start a new node, it is quickly.Once I import the backup wallet, it becomes rescan and never end.

Rescanning will use a lot more resources and like Hanh aluded to you might turn off unecessary programs like web browsers.
What OS is this on?

Once I import the backup wallet, it becomes rescan and never end. The same problem also happened in importing a address private key.

No other programs. Ubuntu.

Do you have a lot of shielded addresses?

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Thank you for your sincerely reply.
Starting a new node, and import a single address private key finally worked.

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Last night I decided to try out the new multi-threaded batch trial decryption improvements so I compiled a zcashd from git, took an old wallet with plenty of addresses/UTXOs and did a -rescan. Looks like it managed to finish in five hours:

2022-07-23T03:56:56.716641Z  INFO Init: main: Still rescanning. At block 542630. Progress=0.153382
2022-07-23T08:50:26.002623Z  INFO Init: main: Still rescanning. At block 1739545. Progress=0.995290

ZecWallet Light also freezes for me. I wouldn’t recommend it at this point. YWallet does work however.

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It sounds great. I’ll have a try. Thank your for your proposal.

Thank you for your sincerely reply.

For ref, I turned off the notebook last night and rebooted this morning. Here is how long it took me to catch up to the current block height:


Much faster than with 5.0.0 kudos to all the hard work in the background. :clap:


If I understand correctly, it took you ~3h to catch up on ~8h of blocks?


Yes. Cold hard numbers, nothing special with my setup (wifi in house). Would be neat to get data from others :face_with_monocle:

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Ok - I was a bit confused because 2x real time doesn’t seem fast. It is faster than before though.

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