Shielded Multisig (for Halo)

@hanh Thank you for submitting your Shielded (Multisig for Halo) proposal, below please find the @ZcashGrants committee response:

"After speaking with the engineering teams at ECC and ZF, the ZCG Committee has decided to reject Hanh’s grant at this time. Instead, the Committee requests that Hanh wait until the FROST specification is complete, the proof for re-randomizable FROST is written, and the ZIP for re-randomizable FROST written, which are expected to be completed in Summer 2022. The scope of Hanh’s proposal should be limited to integrating FROST implementations into existing wallets. Before resubmitting his grant proposal, the Committee requests that Hanh reach out to the engineering teams at ZF and ECC (via the biweekly Arborist calls or Discord Zcash R&D channel) for their feedback and guidance.

In the meantime, we ask that Hanh consider submitting a separate proposal to work with Zcash core developers to push the Pedersen hash syncing mechanism upstream via librustzcash to help other wallets in the Zcash ecosystem achieve fast syncing times."