Solo pool needed .......?

This looks fine. The difficulty is set really high so you will not be submitting many shares, but if you find a solution that solves the block it will be of course submitted.

@bkolobara Can mine directly on exchange wallet?

Hi @neo,

I had some problems mining directly to Poloniex. They don’t recognise the miner reward (coinbase) transaction. But after opening a ticket they credited my account.

Also some other wallets like Jaxx say this in their FAQ

And please do not point your ZEC mining rewards to Jaxx, as we are a lightweight wallet that is not designed to receive mining payouts. We do not recommend pointing any mining rig payouts to Jaxx as it may cause issues on your end as well as potentially causing issues on our end.

It’s better to ask directly at the exchange if they support deposits from the coinbase transaction.

I would recommend to use Zcashd as your wallet for mining payouts until other Zcash wallets improve.

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Thanks. That’s clear enough.

how did you connected claymore to the solomining pool? can you paste the start file? thanks in advanced

@BCpowerup This did the trick for me…

ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -zpsw x

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did it take you a while to get a share, i got a fast share rejected but not good shares… do you have to setup anything in their website if you have more miners?

Yes, if you see my post above, I only had submitted 109 shares in 11.5 hours with 960 H/s, so you won’t see shares that often. As long as the website sees that you have an active miner you should be good to go. You will see your % go up after a while as well. I got that rejected share right off the bat as well. You don’t need to setup anything on their website, just point your miner there and your all set. I had 2 miners pointed there with the same config and it showed 2 active miners.

Thanks yo very much! appreciated!

Our pool creates an internal TX before sending funds to the winning address to avoid the coinbase issue. I have been mining to Poloniex successfully on luckpool.

We just solo mined two blocks the past few hours at

15418 00000000013a97e69000f8198baa3e9cf711ae9500b64592e20a3ebe6adebeff 2016-11-23 06:42:38 48 7.7095 ZCASH t1ai6i8EZNq3RKFn3xDJnzgRUjouFj9WszQ

15354 000000012733a29bc4fdd2361fde67e23351f36d15f681d94acd1fcb0ac5d3ff 2016-11-23 04:23:22 112 7.6778192 ZCASH t1ai6i8EZNq3RKFn3xDJnzgRUjouFj9W

Congrats to t1ai6i8EZNq3RKFn3xDJnzgRUjouFj9W, they have 40kH/s


found block , but the page not found ?

Hi @olegz,

I had quick look at the log and see that the block was rejected by Zcashd:

2016-11-29 03:24:17.947 ERROR 9852 --- [l-1-thread-7858] Zcash Node : Block 18594 rejected by host: invalid-solution

We don’t check the complete correctness of the solution before submitting it to Zcashd to boost performance. That’s why it shows up in the UI as found block, even it was rejected by the node.

I would suggest you to point your miners to another pool just to check how many shares “actually” get rejected. If the number is below 1%, everything is fine. But if it’s higher, your miners need adjustment.

Sorry for the trouble, we will improve this.

strange, i used to mine at antpool and was ok. but i just wanted to try my luck.
what kind of adjustment ? i used genoil.


Your miner submits solutions believing they are correct, but sometimes because of overclocking or other anomalies they are not and they will get rejected by the pool. If there are too many maybe you can lower your clock speed on the GPU. But as I said, it can be a totally normal event.

This submitted solution should have been rejected, but we didn’t do the necessary tests on the pool before marking it as a new block. I think that everything is fine on your side and if you find a block it will be showing up and the link will also work like with other miners that found a block before.

We never had this happening before as the likelihood for it is really low.

Are you still actively running the pool ? Is anyone using it?

@Hellcatz is running with customized z-nomp pool software. 66 workers there right now, 90K sol/s total currently. 8.75 ZEC goes to miners, 1 ZEC goes to the block finder as a jackpot. We’ve found 6 blocks since Jan 28th.

@Hellcatz got stratum working, so you can point Nicehash & Mining Rig Rentals rented rigs/power to the pool. He also has most of the pool software on github for those looking for solo mining pool software. There’s a room as well, see the link on the Pool page (upper right).