Suprnova's ZCash Pool

ocminer, how i can run this?

Were i can see the params?

if you have one GPU and an 8 thread CPU run:

nheqminer.exe -cd 0 -t 7 -u user.1 -p password
(this build is for

why do i get this error?:
[2016-10-26 22:18:56.266004][0x0000086c]: stratum | Could not connect to stratum server, An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

is it support ati gpus???

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Any reason why this build is 60Mb vs 5MB for Nicehash one ?

It’s exactly 3.8MB in size and you’d run it with

nheqminer.exe -u suprnova.5 -p x

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I downloaded the source like an idiot
hehehhe thanks

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ocminer. i maide several tests and de miner just recognise The CPU. How can i run on AMD GPU

@ocminer : do we have anything to do when the network goes live, like stopping and restarting the miners? Or will you switch transparently to the production network, so that we can let our miners running, and they’ll start getting prod network jobs?

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AMD support will come soon, currently only NVIDIA.

You can let me miners connected like they’re now, nothing will change when the switch to the mainnet happens, i’ll just reset the pool and switch to the released code.

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thanks. you can release until tomorow?

Iv got my suprnova log in and worker details. How do i run command line? Any step by step for noobs?

Do I need to supply a wallet right now or can you keep the coins for some days?

Same question. Could Suprnova hold Zcash till Windows wallet will be released?

Yes, of course, you can leave the coins on the pool as long as you like and you don’t need a wallet address at first

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Good job, i am testing now and my i7 6700 giving about 22H/s
is it normal?

Guys, when i try the new Suprnova nheqminer i’ll get:

Connecting to stratum server
resolve: Host is unknow.

Anyone else has this?

Is that CPU GPU miner work with AMD?

you have mistake on .sup.rnova. right suprnova

you don’t need the “-l” flag in the current version, just run:

nheqminer -u username.worker -p x