I have a Pool on Testnet up for you guys. The only public stratum miner is str4ds miner currently, feel free to play around and test with it, I’ll enable payouts of the Testnet coins too in a few days so you can also play around with your wallets.
Cool, i’m testing right now, but I cant make it work
Zcash Miner version v1.0.0.0-9c342b2 (2016-09-28 00:41:55 +1300)
Connecting to stratum server zec.suprnova.cc:2142
Starting miner
ZcashMinerThread started
Subscribed to stratum server
Target set to 0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f
Received new job #c5
Worker not authorized: x
Stopping miner
[WARN] Resource deadlock avoided
Reconnecting in 3 seconds…
ZcashMinerThread terminated
terminate called without an active exception
Despite I setup a new account and worker, and using login.worker and workerPassword as login and passwords.
create an accout … suppose myaccount
signin … go to myaccount → myworket on left menu
ADD NEW WORKER … suppose user m1 and password pass … ADD … will si in the list at the right
I don’t know, I don’t think so but that’s not very important, in a few weeks opens the mining contest subissions, so we will see more performant miners anyway (CPU & GPU)
Quick question, does anybody know how to get zcash-miner to run on more than one thread? I’ve just launch a few instances of it to run on more than one thread but wondered if there is an easier way?