The Global Ambassador Program

Hey @Joel777 ! :wave:

Welcome to the forums and thanks very much for your interest in the program.

We are in the process of onboarding two new ambassadors currently. With these ambassadors onboarded, we have a total of 11 in the program, putting us beyond the cap of 10 we set for our first iteration of the program.

As the program matures and time passes, we may decide to extend this cap, or we could possibly have positions open up. In the meantime, we hope you’ll stick around and lend your experience and perspectives to the ZEC community here on the forums and on Discord.

We will keep you and any other prospective ambassadors apprised of any positions opening, or changes to our program limits here in this thread, but in the immediate term, we have hit our program cap and will not be onboarding new ambassadors.

Thank you again for your interest in the program, and we look forward to having you in the community.