In support of such efforts, I provide evidence that this has been an real issue all along:
I understand that legally constituted entities are subject to various rules. If I don’t get what I want here, I am not the type to be a jerk about it! Rather, I will politely disappear. Most likely, even as I continue quietly to use Zcash for my own privacy, I will drift away from the community towards places where I can do gainful work on cypherpunk terms.
How many others are likewise? How many potential contributions and contributors have the Zcash community lost this way?
I recognize that this is a difficult problem. I applaud efforts to solve it.
If I have any further opinions to offer on this subject, I will probably not offer them under this pseudonym—save for a note of practical importance: Discord is bad for free software projects, it is extremely hostile to Tor users, and it autobans anyone (with any IP address) who takes measures to prevent privacy-invasive fingerprinting (“telemetry”). I recommend that it be avoided for any discussions intended to attract strongly pseudonymous persons. I myself cannot engage in Discord discussions, since they instantly ban all of my accounts before I can even try to use them.