Hey all!
When I was reading this post from @joshs , I thought about the following paragraph:
We’re starting with users
We recently began capturing user feedback, evaluating impact, assessing team skill, evaluating timelines, and designing and prioritizing features. At every juncture, we consider what will deliver the most value for the most amount of ZEC holders. In this case, value is broadly defined and may vary based on the type of user (persona) and use case. We weigh everything against where we believe the market is heading and various considerations, such as the regulatory environment, geographic reach and other factors.
I like this, but let’s think about it: can we be great successful by creating value for the ZEC holders?
By great success, I mean the widespread use and popularization of the coin among many new users.
Now we are all thinking about staking options, about options for ZSA, but in reality, all this will work as before for a narrow audience, which already have ZEC.
It is unlikely that staking has value when the market is already filled with super profitable seaking options. Of course, I understand that these options do not have a limit of 21 million, but you can see everything for yourself. In this market, people think very badly. People have been waiting for a long time that XRP will grow to $100, regardless of it supply. People buy doge. People spend money on JPEG. People don’t give a damn that Zcash is 21 million until they see an any “pump”. Therefore, staking itself has no advantage for new users. Only for us. The same is with the assets of the ZSA. This is a cool tool for the future, when and if Zcash returns the position of the desired asset. But for now, it may be deadborn, since people prefer ether with large commissions to other more sensible solutions.
How to attract new people? How to explain to them the value that Zcash can give them?
There is a wonderful video about ZEC payment. I like it and such things need to be advertised. Why need the advertising?
But we need more use cases. Lots of use cases! I’m sure we need to brainstorm about Zcash’s utility models, which could be of interest to new users, not from a tokenomics point of view, but from a practical point of view in our real world.
We know about donations. This is a super practical idea and it need active of distribution.
Every time I cross the border and see the inscription that the maximum allowance of funds is 10,000 euros, I smile. And you understand why. I don’t have that kind of money with me, that is, it is always with me and there is much more of it. But they are only in my mind.
Zcash is offshore. No it’s better than just an offshore! Zcash is mobile offshore.
It is a KEY Key to great success!
I remember how some people paid double price for bitcoins that were never on an exchange. Double the price! With Zcash, I can “reset” the history of any of the coins simply by moving it to Zaddr.
This is value! And if I can also spend it directly for services and goods, then this makes the best option of all the available opportunities on the crypto market. I can be a simple guy with great potential. But I don’t need to declare this, and therefore I do not need to hide myself. I can just be a simple guy! To hell with private beaches, to hell with guards, I might just be an ordinary person lost in the crowd. And banks don’t call me with their stupid proposals, to me don’t write from pseudo-charitable funds, the tax authorities don’t torment me.
Who can say this about transparent Bitcoin?
Therefore, if someone mines Zcash to convert it to Bitcoin, it is only because we still have not been able to explain to him the benefits that he receives using the Zcash shielded addresses.
We should look for opportunities to spread our message, not look for opportunities to prohibit doing what we do not like. I live in an area where by tradition, prohibitions are preferred over market mechanisms… This is the worst stimulus option, it introduces new problems and leads to the extinction of entire sectors of the economy.