V1.0.1 of Zcash For Mac and Ubuntu

Following today’s release of Zcash v1.0.1, updated source for Zcash For Mac 1.0.1 is available at:
and binary deb packages of my build of Zcash For Ubuntu v1.0.1 (for Ubuntu 16.x and Mint Cinnamon, built on Xeon processors) are at:

As always, donation information is on my website at https://zcash.mercerweiss.com and your support is needed to continue these releases that track the upstream source from Zcash Core.

Thanks again,

David Mercer
Tucson, AZ


Thank you so much for providing a Mac OS X build of ZCash 1.0.1. I confirm that following the instructions at: https://github.com/radix42/zcash/blob/v1.0.1-gcc-mac/README-mac.md we have a working ZCash build on Mac OS X Sierra.

I think you should popularize this beyond this forum… Any ZCash user who is an Apple fan will not want to miss this!


Not quite sure how this is done…any help is appreciated…I am unsure of these steps…

“When you are done building, you need to do a few things in the Configuration section of the Zcash User Guide differently because we are on the Mac. All instances of ~/.zcash need to be replaced by ~/Library/Application\ Support/Zcash”

After it builds, you need to do the configuration steps as listed at

But due to some unique properties of the Mac platform, anywhere in the
Zcash User Guide (or other zcash related info) you see ~/.zcash/
replace it with ~/Library/Application\ Support/Zcash and everywhere
you see
and after you run fetch-params.sh as described in the User Guide, you
must run
mv ~/.zcash-params ~/Library/Application\ Support/ZcashParams (and
no, a symlink won’t work, kernel security rules make it fail).

I know I need to do a Mac specific writeup, but have not had time yet.

add brew install wget to the guide.:slight_smile:

thank you!

I added it to the README for v1.0.2, which just landed:

Added it to the README for 1.0.2, which just dropped:
