What do we do about legacy value pools?

Warning: cross post & thread resurrection

The protocol needs some means to draw the old pool coins into the ZSF, and allow for the original owners to use some sort of ZKP voucher to claim their rightful ownership as Orchard shielded, trustless ZEC. The work to build something like that would probably take a decade, and its value is subtractive. So I’d actually propose the same concept that @nathan-at-least has teased in a talk or two, the old pools need an expiration tax that would slowly clawback/ burn down the old pool coin totals to 0.0. Today the old pools do the taxation, but the opposite could be true with an upgrade.

It is an offense to the Zcash user base of today and the future, that they’re being forced into subsidizing the heavy costs & risks of maintaining these old (and technologically inferior) transparent and shielded pools. The old pools make unnecessary complexity, and they dilute the Zcash brand/ usability perception.

Almost 3 years later. The technical debt will continue to pile up if nothing happens!