What’s your Zcash Thesis?

This is so awesome! And just the beginning


But what about this?

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One step at a time. :wink: Today was a big one.


Is it known why they chose not to support shielded transactions, instead of only shielding and deshielding? If so, can you say why?

I don’t know that I can. What I think I can say is that today’s news is part of a multi-step plan that we started some time back and that sending to a zaddr was implemented as soon as it was feasible. Sorry to be coy and light on detail. I believe the support announced today is a big deal and we shouldn’t underestimate its significance.


Can you say if their current unwillingness to add shielded support is due to technical limitations (e.g. multisignature support) or perceived regulatory risk?

I don’t believe they’ve said anything about an “unwillingness.” I’m also not aware of any perceived regulatory risk. You might ask them in the Twitter Q&A tomorrow. We will also soon announce another livestream focused on regulation and privacy that you might be interested in. Stay tuned.


Fair enough. At any rate, I’m very curious as to why they only support shielding and deshielding, and not shielded. Any insight would be appreciated.

Is there a way to ensure this question is asked without asking it myself at the Twitter event? I am not on Twitter and have absolutely no desire to join.

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It’ll get asked. If nobody else does, I will


Awesome, thank you!