When you need to turn on TOR for anonymous

To hide the IP, I just need to create a purse with TOR, or I can create a purse without TOR, synchronize it and connect TOR only when performing transactions?.
As for anonymity, sending from one Z purse to another Z wallet. (on one computer) because the IP address will be one even if you use TOR. it is safe? communication will be lost even if they have one IP TOR address?
Forgive me if it’s stupid questions.

It all depends on your threat model, from whom and what do you hide.

If from somebody local, who are able to inspect your traffic - he will see that sometimes you are using TOR and sometimes not, and sometimes you connect to Zcash network, but never create transactions. In this case, your plan is probably good, synchronize openly, and then go into TOR.

If from somebody global, like country wide internet provider or state, who just analyzes a lot of meta-information about all your connections with or without content - I’d say that using TOR is already rather suspicious. Perhaps it would be better to get VPNs or virtual servers on the other side of the globe and get out of there.

The above suggestions are only for hiding your crypto-currency traffic.

Before Zcash will takes over the world, during this transitional period, you may need to exchange your coins to paper money, and this is another security story.

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Thanks for the advice, but is it possible to transfer from one Z purse to the Z purse on the other computer. And then you can safely withdraw money through any exchange? or am I in something wrong? After all, the full connection is hidden by Z addresses! Of course, no one canceled VPN or VPS on the first computer, from which the transfer is made.

not going into t- vs z- details - when you move your money you create transaction.

when adversary sees transaction originating from your node - he gets the information that you have some money. it can be hid by TOR.

if you’re laundering a big amount of money, your transactions can be correlated to uncover your flows with good probability.

i.e. if you transfer 123.45 ZEC from t-address to z- and than back to another t-, there are not many transactions of the size 123.45±fees in that time frame, so some conclusions can be made.

see for example nice diagram at
WizSec: Breaking open the MtGox case, part 1
and recent blog post at
New Empirical Research into Zcash Privacy - Electric Coin Company