I have been using the @zcashco channel on telegram for Zcash coin discussion before finding my way to zcash_community. Someone said that Zcash has no lite wallets there, is this deliberate misinformation? Why is this allowed to happen?
Well… Zcash network has no remote node to connect to using the zcash-cli. That’s correct.
But why would it need it?
We do but it depends on what expectations you have, a full functionality, sovereign lite wallet still needs to download block information because of how Zcash shielded tx’s work. You could have a hotwallet but then again they’re not your keys
Anyone can make a telegram group, simple fact is someone camped on the handle before someone else did. @zcashco not an "official’ channel.
Why not make another one called
My point was that a remote zcash-cli is not a lite wallet. It is remote access to a full node.
@Shawn Does zcash trademark prevents people from starting channels and use them like this?