YWallet Q&A

Ok lemme double check something and Ill post back shortly (I wanted to make sure address derivation was the same).

You’ll need NPM and NVM for the Yarn build.

‘curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash’
‘sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y’

To verify

‘nvm --version’

You’ll need to use node v16 for this particular binary, otherwise it will likely fail with an openssl error. This is an incompatibility workaround for it (that seems pretty consistent) but you could also try building with the latest version by calling ‘nvm install --lts’ as the command below instead of with the specific version number. Probably good practice to at least have the latest version but it could also lead to some confusion (same with yarn init).

‘nvm install v16’
‘nvm use v16’
‘nvm update’
‘corepack enable’

You’ll need to clone the zecwallet lite repo.

(This one doesnt like to display correctly, should be the literal address)
‘git clone GitHub - Zondax/zecwallet-lite: Zecwallet-Lite is z-Addr first lightwallet for Zcash.
‘cd zecwallet-lite’
‘yarn install’
‘yarn build’
‘yarn start’

The wallet should boot and allow you to select a server. You could try restoring the seed immediately but the server preset doesn’t appear to be up and running :man_shrugging:.
But, be aware of screen sizing weirdness! The selection button is on the bottom of the window and initially, for me anyways, was not configured small enough for me to access, because, without changing the script, the window is not resizable. After close and re-open, the button is just barely visible and can click it. In there you can select a working server, restart the wallet again and import the seed. Then the process of recreating the addresses and waiting for the scan.
Let us know if you encounter any more issues.