Dear Zcash Community!
We are excited to share our 10.1 milestone - October/2023.
- Zcash BR (@Michae2xl) has joined the multichain ecosystem in Brazil, where ambassadors from more than 30 projects meet every Thursday:
- Zcash no Blockchain Rio 2023 | Overview: Zcash no BlockchainRio 2023 | Overview
- ZF AV migrated to the Zcash Global Server:
- We announced Zoe (an avatar that speaks Portuguese and transmits educational content about Zcash), is a new experiment.
– - The special event about CBDCs was a success, even the Central Bank of Brazil shared/heard about Zcash with a 500K+ account - (We were the sponsors)
1- Blck #054 c/ Pedro Magalhaes by blockaffee • Audius
2- Blck #055 c/ Michae2xl by blockaffee • Audius
3- Blck #056 c/ Francisco Prestes by blockaffee • Audius
4- Blck #057 c/ Fabio Araujo by blockaffee • Audius
5- Blck #058 Painel CBDC by blockaffee • Audius - Two proposals from Brazil were applied for Minor Grants (Mempool Visualizer & BR Privacy Alliance)
- Zechub now has a Brazilian account on X:
- We announced all wallets with the new Zcash SDK.
- We translated and made several articles, which are now in Portuguese @vito
- The video of Privacy Map (October):
- We had 4 events to celebrate Zcash’s 7th anniversary, videos, ZCINE where we streamed the video of the ceremony + QUIZ, and airdrop to the community.
- @Samaraanni translated EdgeWallet into Portuguese
Milestone 10 - estimated completion date: 10/31/2023
We started the month with a community call about the Blockchain Rio event with the CoinEX team Portuguese

We then made a call about the arrival of CBDC in Brazil (DREX) to alert our users about the danger on the way

We have notified our users about the possible integration of the Zebra node for Windows into our networks (Community Call Soon)

We announced the new version of NightHawk in the media
We merged and announced the ZFAVClub community into Zcash Global

We translated the summary of the Arborist call on ZecHub Brasil Twitter
We Started a Privacy & Zcash Discord Education Room
Posted Articles & Videos
- Private Messaging Apps
- Zcash 101 - How to Create a Store Using Payment Methods on Zcash in PT
- Zgo Wiki in PT
- Pay with Zcash | Translated Video - Twitter
- Frost in PT - Video and Article
- How Mining Works on Zcash - Zoe
- Learning About Zcash Addresses - Zoe
- Zcash | Proof of Stake w Nate Wilcox - in PT
We translate all ZecWeeklys into PT and post on Discord in EN
- ZecWeekly 63
- ZecWeekly 64
- ZecWeekly 65
- ZecWeeekly #66
@vito is helping ZecHub with posts on Instagram, Bluesky & ZecHub Brasil
Design Team @Iogy / @Minevg
This month we dive into the study of AI images and videos then we have the ability to choose the best tools to create educational and informative material content. An initiative that goes from basic to advanced, seeking to bring easy information to new users.
We always looking for new ways to spread the privacy word, and for that, our beautiful avatar Zoe, chosen by the community, finally started an educational journey through Zcash.
Script 1: Privacy on digital transactions
Script 2: Zcash addresses
Script 3: Minning Zcash and Dev. Fund
Zcash 7th birtday
AV Club on Zcash Discord Global Server Video
Zcash Birthday Call Banner
CBDC Community Call Banner
AI-generated image for NightHawk v2 Beta Announcement Banner
Banner for the announcement of the restart of development of the Zebra node for Windows
Website Cards Development
POAP Gallery
POAP Gallery
ZecWeekly Banner
- Zoe Thumbnails
CBDC Community Call Record Background
Zcash Birthday Call Record Background
AI art Generated
Social media metrics:
- - 1089 zcashers
Earned 30 new followers this month. - Zcash Global - 1282 zcashers
Earned 50 members this month. - - 758 zcashers.
Earned 4 members this month.
NOTE: We also have ZechubBrazil channels, YouTube, Podcast, Hive, Odysee, and Substack channels, threads, and others.
Milestone 10 - USD value of payout upon completion of deliverables: $3434
Zcash Brazil Team compensation:
- @michae2xl & @samara, @e-zec - up to $1250/month for expenses with hours worked as a country manager, public relations, and social media moderator in Brazil.
- @mine & @Iogy - up to $1100/month for expenses with hours worked as a Design Team in Brazil.
- @vito - up to $1000/month for expenses with hours worked as Community/Social Media Manager and Content Creator in Brazil.
Total March: $3350
Costs with systems, programs, and community in October/2023
- Pool ticket: $6 - month / 12x = $72 year
- Canva: $8 - month / 12x = $96 year
- Adobe: $24 - month / 12x = $288 year
- Linktree: $5 - month / 12x = $60 year
- Discord: $41 - month / 12x = $492 year
Total March: 84$
(You will be paid out in ZEC based on the USD market price at payout time.)
For all Zcash Community:
Our art, code, and work are open-source and free to use.
Thank you so much!