Zcash Browser Wallet Library

I’m excited to build on the updates provided by @Wollum-ChainSafe with the first update about the Zcash MetaMask Snap and production web wallet that is being developed by ChainSafe. This work is being done by one of our experienced TypeScript and Snap developers, Anton Lykhoyda, with support from me as project manager.

The initial Pull Request to begin work on the Snap was merged into the WebZjs repository on November 6th. The BIP-44 entropy from MetaMask is used by WebZjs to generate a unified spending key, and a Snap interface has been created to allow web pages to request a viewing key. At this time, this capability is being consumed by the existing demo wallet.

The next steps involve the initialization of a production web wallet that only supports using keys provided by the Snap. A wireframe of the production web wallet has been prepared by Serena Ho, one of ChainSafe’s UI/UX designers. The Snap will be enhanced to allow transactions to be sent with a spending key.

Due to conferences and upcoming holidays, we expect the month of November to be slow with respect to further developments on this project. In the meantime, please share any questions or comments. We look forward to contributing to the Zcash ecosystem with this work!