I started an Open-Source Cockpit based (Javascript/jQuery) zcash-cli interface as a hobbyist project for maintaining my own Zcash Wallet on my headless Fedora Linux server. (Cockpit works on Ubuntu and other distros!) Cockpit is a web based administration tool for linux. This will allow you to access your zcash on any device (PC, mobile, etc.) using your web browser over the internet or LAN.
The project is located on GitHub and is in very early development but is functioning.
Easily Protect Mined Zcash
Send Protected Zcash to multiple addresses including t-addr and z-addr
Simple Balance view of unspent coins and z-addr balances.
Updates main stats every 30 seconds. Future versions may monitor transactions.
Console interface for issuing commands directly to zcash-cli
There is no official “stable” release at this time, you may experiment with the master branch as changes are committed. Ideas or suggestions of how to implement certain commands to gain new features is welcomed!
I plan on adding better transaction support after the first release when the current features stabilize.
Currently, this cockpit plugin is expected to be installed on the same machine running zcashd.
A future release will support zcash-cli calls to a remote zcashd server, if it is requested.
Feel free to send my some play TAZ!
send to t-addr: tmQNXtYxDZJ3469UytcjMrwgsahw5nfXGHZ
send to z-addr: ztTyRXtHrEtLodDuPsBHZiAc9EbXcLxiJe7baQH2fWnK4PXcBiUkPjdZaN8jqqAP3xaJPfEsHrARvkeARsgmaiBhbUemgD7
I am working on a similar project but it is more “desktop-oriented”: ZCash Desktop GUI Wallet . Good luck with the Web UI wallet.
I think it is a good idea before the ZCash release happens to document these projects on a single web site so the community may choose the wallet UI they prefer… it is possible there will be more GUIs by then
I think it is a really good idea to document the existence of these projects on a single web site so that users can discover them.
And, I think that the Zcash Company should not be the host or the author of that web site! The community should maintain that information, so that it will not be influenced by the company’s commercial needs.
I have started a simple “blockchain” tab to learn how to use JS DataTables.
This is similar to the Blockchain explorer here: https://explorer.testnet.z.cash/
(Without searching or browsing abilities…)
I should be committing the changes in the next couple days.
I have started a ZCash “community type” page: ZCash GUI Wallets – ZCash community blog It will describe the open source GUI wallets available and point users to their GitHub locations so users may install them. Later I will also be writing here about my mining experience with ZCash…
The next thing I need to figure out is how to let the community know that this page exists …
Oh, @vaklinov, on ZCash GUI Wallets – ZCash community blog where it says “DISCLAIMER: This page is non-commercial in nature. It is not officially endorsed by or associated with the ZCash parent company.”, could you please remove the word “parent”? In USA business jargon, “parent company” sort of implies that you are a “child company” that is owned by the parent.
Thanks a lot for including that disclaimer up front! I’m excited about Zcash growing decentralized, world-wide grassroots, which will make it unstoppable even if the Zcash Company stumbles.
I think the most-important aspect of it is that the ZCash source is available and open… whatever happens in the next several months will surely be exciting.
Right from the word go, with the use of cockpit as a back end, this looks to have more of a sysadmin focus than, for example, @vaklinov wallet.
It feels less like a wallet for managing an amount of zcash, and more like something you would use to administer machines involved in zcash, if you see what I mean.
I can imagine running several instantiations of this one plugin to manage multiple mining rigs, and using it to keep the zcash block rewards flowing to another wallet… but that wallet, I feel like I would use something else to manage.
At this early stage it’s not clear where you would like to go with this, but I feel like your interface could, with some modification, be used to provide a simple solution to the problem of standalone mining on multiple machines and combining the income into a single wallet without the use of a mining pool.
I am not 100% sure what “not found” means. I assume it can not find the binary to execute.
The following command line programs should be installed and working: “nproc” and “pidof”
You must also put the zcash-cli into your system path. This can be done with a symbolic link.
From your screenshot it looks like “pidof” is working and zcashd was running.
Please see install notes on github page.
Thank you for your ideas. I started this as my own GUI to help help in my solo mining adventures. It is also a project to help me learn about crypto currencies. Zcash is the first one I’ve really played with,
It’s been a little while, but I’ve committed more changes to the Zcash Cockpit based Wallet UI.
The new extra fee parameter is now supported as per Zcash v1.0.4
A fee of 0.0005 gets your transaction to confirm a lot faster!
Transaction tab now shows a more human readable timestamp.
Double clicking on a row in the transaction table now opens the transaction in a block explorer.