Zcash Community Grants Meeting Minutes 11/27/2023

Below, please find the latest ZCG meeting minutes and Public Dashboard link.

Zcash Community Grants Committee Google Meet Meeting: November 27, 2023


  • Brian
  • Jason
  • Michael
  • Gguy
  • Alex (ZF resource & temp notetaker)
  • Dan (ZF resource)

Key Takeaways:

Open Grant Proposals

  • Nym: Network Privacy For Zcash - This proposal has been submitted on the grants platform but still needs to be posted to the forum. Both ZCG and ZF have followed up with Nym with no response.
  • Zcash Developers Support - This proposal is from Onose Oghenevwogaga of WittyHub. He has applied for a number of grants in the past. All have yet to be approved or funded. This request is a modified version of the request rejected at the Nov 20th meeting.
    • ZCG discussed this proposal and rejected it because it’s priced too high and out of scope for projects they’re interested in funding.
    • Amber voted against async post-meeting
  • ZecHub: Proposal 2024 - Asking for $50,000 for five months of service. Jason recused himself from voting because he is a member of the ZecHub DAO. Brian votes to approve, impressed with their work. Gguy said they provide a net benefit and with sustained support they’ll be able to deliver even more. Michael said ZecHub provides good, tangible output and more will be asked of them with further network decentralization. They’ve earned the money and support provided, he approves. Committee members agreed. Amber voted in favor async post-meeting. Grant approved.
  • Swapkit Integration for Zcash - Posted yesterday, asking $5,000 to integrate ZEC into Swapkit. Too early to vote. Initial impressions by ZCG members are generally positive if it’s usable, to be determined with further research. An update regarding the Thorchain grant would be useful - Dan to follow-up.

Brainstorm Session Follow-Ups

  • Global Ambassador Program
    • Tim’s agreement ends November 30th, committee to communicate next steps shortly.
  • Ecosystem Security Lead
    • Rejected Thesis Defense response due to cost.
    • Met with Hacken.io and ZCG is reviewing their proposal.
    • Met with Trail of Bits and they’ll submit a proposal shortly.
    • Met with Halborn and they’ll submit a proposal shortly.
    • Several more meetings later this week, including Zellic and Softstack.
    • Thanks to ECC for sharing their experiences working with some of these security companies and also recommending others to reach out to.
    • Also, thanks to Alex for reaching out to a number of companies that are interested in submitting proposals.
  • Plug and Play Node
    • Michael and Jason met with Ahas to review the node and they had positive feedback. ZCG will receive a prototype soon.
  • ECC Restructuring & Decentralization
    • ZCG pledged to help address gaps left by ECC’s restructuring actions. Grants provided for Pacu, Beth, Tatyana are all examples of this support.
    • ZCG had a call with Zooko a couple weeks ago to discuss ECC restructuring. ZCG let Zooko know their expectations in terms of communicating responsibilities that might be transitioned. Zooko shared a few of the things ECC is looking to transition to the community.
    • ZCG values this transparency and communication from ECC because it helps them better determine how to prioritize some of the projects that might need funding and helps ensure a smoother transition.
    • Gguy mentioned that this information is very important for ZCG to make good decisions.
    • ZCG appreciates the support ECC has provided. For instance, Kris Nuttycombe and Strad came up with an alternative idea to possibly help stave off a Binance delisting. Zooko was also helpful in reaching out to Ledger and Zondax to clarify some concerns about the BOSL license.
  • Compensation
    • Gguy posted the proposed ZIP amendment on the forum - the ZIP allows ZCG to be compensated from the ZCG slice of the DevFund, amount to be determined by ZCAP. ZCG is looking for ZF to provide a public confirmation of amendment support, or at a minimum that the request isn’t contentious and that it will be included in the next ZCAP election. Gguy said that given the upcoming elections it would be great to have this matter resolved before then so potential committee members have all of the information they need to make an informed running decision.