I don’t think it’s intentionally being hidden if that’s what you are getting at.
The original Zcash Foundation grant for BOLT was back in 2018, later was said to be considered for NU5 (this year) but was removed from NU5 without much comment.
So it was news to me that it is scheduled for NU6 ( if only on testnet?) , this may have been communicated via an arborist call or NU pipeline chart somewhere but I missed it. Which means, correct me if I’m wrong @steven-ecc , it would have to go through testing during the end of this year/early next, which would probably push it to NU7 for mainnet deployment at the earliest?
But to your other point, there are so many channels to monitor it’s really hard to keep up. It would be a full time job for someone who is well versed in the field just to collate all the info and translate it into a easy-for-the-average-person to understand format.