Zcash Foundation Update • August 27 – September 3, 2019

Hello again! Quick newsletter today. [Originally sent, you guessed it, to ZF’s newsletter.]

Don’t forget the Zcash Protocol Hangout on September 17. We’ll discuss the future of Zcash development funding.

Speaking of governance, long-held plans for the Zcash trademark have been disrupted. Read up on what happened:

Please also note ECC’s transparency report on Q1 spending.

The Zcash Foundation awarded a bounty of 1,168.3 ZEC to ZecWallet’s light client project. We’re so excited to see the results :raised_hands:

A fresh treasure in the Zcash docs: “Shielded Support Resources” :tada:

Everything you need to integrate and support zcash shielded addresses into your light wallet.

Heres’s the link again :sunglasses:

Heads up about ZecPaperWallet:

There was a bug in the CLI version that didn’t use the system entropy properly.

If you used a weak user-provided entropy, you might need to re-generate your Paper Wallet.

There are more details in the latest release notes.

That’s all! Catch you on the flip side.