Zcash Media - 2% slice of dev fund

I think until a large % of the crypto economy realize the importance of privacy, this will continue. Found an older article about bitcoin which I found interesting:

In the public’s imagination, overnight the bitcoin went from being the currency of tomorrow to a dystopian joke. The Electronic Frontier Foundation quietly stopped accepting bitcoin donations. Two Irish scholars specializing in network analysis demonstrated that bitcoin wasn’t nearly as anonymous as many had assumed: They were able to identify the handles of a number of people who had donated bitcoins to Wikileaks. (The organization announced in June 2011 that it was accepting such donations.) Nontechnical newcomers to the currency, expecting it to be easy to use, were disappointed to find that an extraordinary amount of effort was required to obtain, hold, and spend bitcoins.

IMHO, Zcash today requires extraordinary amount of effort to obtain, hold, and spend. Sure everyone in this forum has it down, and maybe a few friends who you talked to about it. But what about your neighbors family down the street who’s never heard of digital ledgers, let alone private keys. Hell they don’t even know how to use a QR code. And they are suppose to magically start using this technology to survive? This is what needs to be fixed asap. Right now I think we are at the tail end of the speculation era and I’m afraid many bitcoin users will become disappointed in the ultimate outcome of this older technology. Sure it will survive, but it won’t be what most expect. What it accomplished surprised everyone and while it certainly bootstrapped the whole industry, what problems today is it actually going to solve moving forward without privacy? How can we make it easy enough that most folks can actually use it? How much of the world understands enough about this industry to appreciate what is needed for freedom moving forward? CBDC’s are on the way, scary thought, and its going to become increasing obvious what needs to be worked on.

I’ll let others decide on the details but education should be important for everyone and many younger generations are going to consume this education via Media. I think we should strive to meet folks where they are, not where we want them to be. This post became longer than I thought it would, thanks for reading.