In a world where ZCG has over 130,000ZEC and a proposal that costs less then 30,000ZEC at ($68USD) would leave ZCG with 100,000ZEC. While I sympathize with your concerns about ZCG spending all their ZEC I believe 100,000ZEC is more then enough to also fund the other marketing proposals. It’s not unlimited but certainly doesn’t prevent funding other proposals.
@Chammy Should we create a new thread to discuss how we can best move forward with marketing campaigns other then then Zcash Media proposal? Maybe ZCG can RFP for them? I worry that any marketing teams seeing the Zcash Media thread may not have the time to read it in full and get the wrong message that ZCG is not willing to fund marketing grants. Or that the effort required to secure a grant is too large considering the uncertainty in securing the grant. How do we fix this?