Zcash Media YouTube Channel

The QEDIT analogy is what we are striving for, but we realize that it’s too soon to compare ourselves to them (since they have participated for many years now with the Zcash core team). But we hope to keep working and get ourselves to that level of trust. We definitely agree that the social layer is extremely important in addition to technical layers of a crypto-technology!

Aka: our goal is to be a big team supported by ZCG but not like an entity of Zcash. We would be under ZCG just like QEDIT reports to ZCG.

We used the term “official” to help clarify that we need the ecosystem/community to focus eyes towards one central location and to get the idea across that would be have certain special relationships with Zcash entities where people can understand we are a relay point for putting out messaging.


The way I understand “official” word is 37L working closely with Zcash ecosystem(with sources) to build content VS random YouTubers making videos about Zcash based on their own research.


Yes, well said! Thank you @aiyadt


“Blessed :magic_wand:

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I would just proffer that an “official channel” for a decentralized cryptocurrency isn’t possible, but a channel that ZOMG decides to “officially endorse” is a different matter.

Excited to watch your upcoming content, really awesome stuff in the works!


^ could be part of channel description — funded by Zcash community grants


Super excited to see the final results of 37L’s work. I love that they’re fans of Zcash and also have the chops to make high quality content. They’re such a gem to have in our community. Thank you all for doing what you do. I’m a huge fan.


There are many conflicting views on the “Zcash media” name. Some say it is too “offical” sounding. From what I’ve come across, pretty much every other crypto project does not police these types of branding approaches. It usually does far more good than harm for the underlying brand. More brand awareness and name recognition is generally a good thing.

It’s actually very difficult to measure what is “official” and what isn’t official anyways. As Zooko says, Zcash is owned by the community. All of our individual influence, comments, commits, tweets and contributions are “official” in some way.

The ZF, ECC and grant committee are only credible and “official” because the community stands behind them and funds them. If the community stands behind Zcash media because they also do excellent work, then they’ve earned their credibility and inherit a higher level of “officialness”.

I’d love to see all types of channels emerge to compete for viewership. Zcash media. Let’s talk Zcash. Zcash magazine. Documenting Zcash. Zcash archive. etc. They can all be unique expressions of Zcash.


I’m not supportive of the idea that all content funded by the grant committee should roll into one social media account owned by one entity. Ideally, I’d like to see hundreds of popular channels. All with specific audiences and different styles of communication. One size fits all does not work on social platforms and it puts too much power in the hands of the few.

37L should be able to create their own channel and promote their work how they choose (we’ll all help them of course!). Let’s see what they’re capable of. If they produce big hits, they could become one of the many powerhouses in our media arsenal. We’re in good hands. Let’s give them some room to be creative.

Going forward, it would be best to sort ownership details out during the actual grant proposal process. The time to chime in on ownership rights and whatnot should have been months ago. We can let it slide this time around because we’re all learning how best to run and fund community driven projects.

License / Monetization

I personally would love to see a creative commons license assigned to all media work that is funded via the grant process. This would ensure the content could be spun or remixed in many different ways, without any request for approval needed. Open source media is the way to go.

It’s basically the same process for developers receiving grants — all work must be open source. Content creation would ideally inherit the same values.

As for monetization, if 37L is able to monetize the videos through ad revenue, then good for them. I want to see our social channels thrive and if they can generate passive income, then that helps ensure they can continue to grow.


I don’t think this is the intention of @37L and I would not support such proposal anyway.

What I think the best course of action is the Zcash Media to be the front page channel of Zcash contents. Similar to ethereum.org, community contributors may choose to use this channel for their contents if they can produce quality contents but feel that they don’t have the bandwidth to spend on the distribution of said contents.


This is great! You’ve always been a staunch supporter of free speech and privacy coins!

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