Zcash P2Pool Mining Development

Thanks for the link str4d.

So, is it possible to use your miner with the rpcusr and passwd of Zcash node to mine, or is it going to be working with pools only?

I mean by running a Zcash node, and then pointing all of my hash power to this node using your miner, without the need of running a local pool, like this:

./zcashminer –o stratum+tcp://ZcashNodeIP:RPC-Port -u RPCUser -p RPCPassword --btc-address ZcashWalletAddress

(Maybe the –btc-address option) won’t be needed!

My miner uses the exact same codebase and Equihash solver as a Zcash node, so if you’re solving locally you’d just use zcashd for the same effect.

That said, my miner could be made to communicate with a Zcash node (I guess to move the node operations off the mining hardware?), but it would require adding GBT support to the miner (since that comes natively with zcashd whereas it does not include Stratum support).

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I have opened Make P2Pool header-agnostic · Issue #323 · p2pool/p2pool · GitHub for discussion on how to modify P2Pool in a way that does not require an ongoing fork.


Wow, that is a good point.

From my experience in the short run and mid term we will have to rely on custom fork. I have developed custom p2pool versions several years ago. Can someone please TL;DR the status of research of this project? I’d really love to see p2pool available on Oct-28.


How to use the standalone zcash miner?

I know Str4d has been working on the miner, I’m not sure of the P2Pool status though. Last I heard he was adding stratum support for pools, it would be great if you wanted to lend a hand, his Github branch is here GitHub - str4d/zcash: zcash
And you can chat with him on Slack https://inviteme.z.cash

@5chdn the progress on P2Pool is summarised in the issue I linked above: I’ve started working out where we’d need to make modifications, but I don’t know if it is exhaustive yet. I haven’t had time to do any more yet.

@ucwong the standalone miner currently in my branch doesn’t contain Stratum, but I have it implemented locally, and should hopefully have it out soon.

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I have just pushed my Stratum changes to my standalone miner:

Build per the Zcash Beta Guide, then ./src/zcash-miner -? for usage info.

This should implement the current draft of the Zcash Stratum ZIP, so refer to https://github.com/zcash/zips/pull/78 for implementation details. Ping me with any bugs :slight_smile:

Oh, and also, you need to hit Ctrl+C three times to exit :wink:


If you want to test the standalone miner or your own implementation of the zcash stratum protocol you can point it to:

Any user and password accepted no payouts yet.


Have you already set up a zcash miner pool?

even if it has jet some bug, is this the rigth way to invoke?

~/zcash/./src/zcash-miner stratum+tcp:// -user=my_user -password=my_pswd -printtoconsole -debug=pow

is it up and running ?

It is running but It is not really worth it to try it at the moment.
There is still work to be done for both the pool and the miner.

@razakal k thanks keep waiting

No, the correct command would be:

~/zcash/src/zcash-miner -stratum=stratum+tcp:// -user=my_user -password=my_pswd -printtoconsole -debug=pow

thanks got some reaction :slight_smile:

Hi , what about the official mining pool? Any progress?

@str4d any ideas hwo to port it into yiimp stratum???

Is P2Pool ready? I really want to give it a try…

I don’t think it is, but I really want to give it a try too.

I think we need to get it up and running soon.