Hi All,
It has been a while since our last update, I have a lot of new information for you. (shawn, is there a better place for me to put updates? maybe i should start a new thread?)
I am happy to announce that we have a new developer on the team @little.slingshot . LS comes from a strong webdev background and brings a breadth of knowledge in this area to the team. We are very happy to have him on board, helping us to make this project a success.
We have had to rebuild a lot of the stuff we were doing, with LS’ help we now have a skeleton build with proof of concept code working in chromium and FF.
We have a skeleton working prototype, using React and WASM.
- The main advantage of this is it allows us to quickly build for chromium based browsers or firefox based browsers.
- We have our development and test environments setup and are producing debug and release builds.
- We have our test servers and network setup.
- Our UI is just mockup and ripped straight from lightwalletd (plz see screenshots)
Yet to do for our next milestone
- UI frames.
- Finish the test plan incorporating the new stuff we are doing.
- Detail feature list and solicit community feedback.
- Clean up bugs.
Stuff that wasn’t on our roadmap but we need to implement or test against.
- Support for ZDA’s should they become more defined, and space for them to be added if not.
- AutoShielding.
- Halo 2 and testnet 2.
- Unified addresses.
FireIce is working on the development plan, and as he is doing that, I am redoing the test plan to fit around it and incorporating the new features we want to support.
We have some screenshots of this working as you can see it is very rough and just a proof of concept. Because we are implementing a minimum viable secure product we would like to reach out and get community feedback as soon as we have something a little bit more functional.
Screenshots in the next post.