ZIP 314 - Privacy upgrades to the Zcash light client protocol

:100: agree with the first 5 issues faced by new users while onboarding.

And, Mempool access with incoming notification on a smart phone will make the z2z experience lightning fast.

Initial Sync ideas with lightwalletd are great, any time delay can be better handled as “Setting up your wallet, please check back later step in the wallet UI”.

I am in full support of reducing the ANCHOR_OFFSET to spend unconfirmed funds as long as the base protocol supports the edge cases around it. Do we know how to handle Zcash blocks getting orphaned?

This is something @vamsi is going to look in to while building Zcash Block Explorer Grant - #14 by aiyadt

I agree, the large downloads on mobile wallets is a pre-2020 thing to do.