Zk Audiovisual Club

Time is up on the vibes contest

Thank you to the 4 contestants who submitted entries. My decision will be fast and easy. I was expecting A LOT more entries.

To be honest, the amount of energy this took from me and the low number of applicants has me rethinking the whole contest strategy. Fortunately, my strategy has only just begun and I’m not easily discouraged by low numbers (ikr!)

Contests are games, not tasks.

My contests are meant to be interactive. Ask questions, join calls and create something as a community. Although my methods may seem too experimental for folks in technical communities and I’m sad about this missed opportunity, it won’t be the last.

Come play with us.

Zk Av Club is a playground for all kinds of minds to get creative and be challenged. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and collaborate with others who share your curiosities and interests.

The contest winner will be announced tomorrow at the start of my office hours. Believe it or not, I’m a nice person and trying my best to support you all.

Fun Fact: The person who had the most fun in this contest is the winner.

Wait! There’s more!!

During the vibe contest, 21 ZEC was received in the Zk Av Club donation account :zap::shield: This donation will be used to design and run a series of contests to refine the Zk Av Club’s vibe, style, aesthetic and audiovisual brand, based on the results of the Vibe Contest which will be announced tomorrow at the beginning of my weekly office hours (around 17h utc).

Don’t worry, if you didn’t get a chance to enter this time around - there will be more soon - thanks to one very cool anon :star2:

Thank you for your attention :heart: