ZOMG meeting minutes 3-30-2021

Hey Zcash Zeal!

Here are this week’s meeting minutes:

ZOMG Zoom Meeting: March 30, 2021

[Minutes taken by Danika]

Meeting minutes:


  • Hudson Jameson

  • ML_Sudo

  • Shawn

  • Chris Burniske

  • Holmes Wilson

  • Danika Delano acting as notetaker

Pre-meeting Agenda:

  1. Lightweight web wallet

  2. Zeme Team

  3. Multi-sig wallet

  4. Payment gateway


Zeme Team

  • Hudson explained that this proposal is to create a visual for Zcash and make a website for Zcash related memes.
  • Shawn shared that he has seen Ziga on Twitter and noted that they started Zcash art. He added that they have been going on Fiverr and have hired someone to make Zcash related art. Shawn pointed out that he was not sure about the copyrights for the artwork as someone is already using the artwork and making t-shirts.
  • Chris said that he reviewed the Twitter handle and deemed the memes to be good, pointing out an example of ZEC-shield = BTC. He added that there is a sleek feel to what they are doing and they are only asking for 10% upfront. Additionally, it is more constructive for someone to build a platform instead of someone who is just creating viral content. Hudson agreed that inviting other creators would make it multiply and be a bigger thing. He also liked that they are doing coding and UI/UX.
  • Holmes disclosed that he has done marketing stuff including blockchain related stuff and he saw a few red flags: 1) He wants to see a portfolio outside this work because it is hard to evaluate what high level skills they are bringing 2) There are not many retweets and he would want to see a list of the biggest retweeted lists so far to see how far they are resonate with people.
  • ML commented that she looked at the Twitter handle and she did not love their stuff. She also pointed out that, like Chris has said, many applications are going to be marketing grants and she doesn’t feel hot about this content.
  • Shawn asked if ZOMG even wants to fund projects that are giving away zcash (airdrop style). Hudson clarified that it is different from airdrop because it’s incentivising something that is valuable. Shawn replied that in theory it’s interesting but was unsure how many quality Zcash users they would get vs an army of bots. He added that he thinks it is fun and lighthearted but the amount of money is serious and it is a lot for a meme project.
  • Hudson agreed that in terms of impact he is unsure. He summarized that the next step is to point out questions and comments on forum thread.
  • Holmes agreed and liked the idea of asking questions to guide them and other folks who are looking at the process.
  • Hudson volunteered to respond and ask, “where have you seen this successfully work?,” how will they deal with copyright violations, request a portfolio/success stories, and ask if they could present a budget that could be scaled down to cost less.

Multisig Wallet for Zcash

  • Shawn updated the members that the applicants had withdrawn their application.

Payment Gateway

  • Hudson summarized that this is the same applicant as Cold Wallet and they are proposing to take a BTC payment code and to provide changes to the code to allow for Zcash; this would then be maintained (maybe by them).
  • Chris commented that it seems like a risk because they don’t know if BtcPay is going to merge. Hudson clarified that they are requesting funding based on parameters.
  • Chris added that merchant adoption of BTC has been lackluster so he doesn’t see how ZEC would succeed so he is lukewarm on the proposal. Hudson pointed out that there is a different ethos than BTC- alternation vs centralized services.
  • ML said the question is if the usability feature would make Zcash relevant or not. From her experience, BTCpay and Bitpay are easy to use so she is a strong yes on this proposal, assuming BTCpay would be open to it. She added that one of their problems is that ZEC is not on DeFi and the same can be said for payments.
  • Shawn pointed out that NowPay is a centralized service that added Zcash. He agreed that it is an intriguing proposal and predicted that it would probably be approved if BTCpay was definitely on board.
  • ML added that she wants a breakdown of the budget as it is not clear how the $70K for documentation breaks down.
  • Holmes shared that he thinks the applicant is a good engineer that wants something to work on. He thinks that the different ecosystem tools people use are valuable but shares Chris’s concern that e-commerce payments using Zcash is risky. He added that he doesn’t think the applicant is picking this thing because it’s evident and there is a risk of it not leading to anything. Shawn replied that he can see that perspective and thought that they are in the exploratory question phase since ZOMG is not ready to fund now.
  • Hudson voiced that they should be sure we communicate that regardless of BTCpay, ZOMG realizes their skillset is desirable and they should make it clear that they want to work with them on the overall impact.
  • Holmes suggested they ask for feedback from Andre at ECC about integration engineering to achieve adoption (what are the big wins).
  • ML volunteered to respond and invite feedback from Andre at ECC.

A lightweight web wallet for Zcash

  • Hudson summarized that the proposal is a secure browser storage and is more performant than other web languages. He reminded the other members that ZecWallet had mentioned that he had experienced tech challenges that made it hard to use. He suggested that they pivot the grant to be a browser plug-in like MetaMask.
  • Shawn agreed that based on Aditya’s (ZecWallet) feedback, the tech hurdles would be hard to get over. He liked the idea of MetaMask, especially if UDAs come into play. As far as a web wallet, he noted he is not a fan as they are the least secure way to have a wallet but if they wanted to pivot, it is an interesting idea.
  • Hudson agreed with Shawn and pointed out that webwallets struggled with scams and how to put in a private key when you move to a new computer.
  • Shawn asked how can ZOMG gauge the community sentiment on whether the community is comfortable using a web wallet (even if he is personally not a fan).
  • ML commented that they have relied on responses to the thread on the forum but Andre from ECC used a voting method that Ethereum uses. Hudson said that the tool lays out different sides of the point but doesn’t have a voting mechanism. ML replied that a pro/con list is of interest.
  • Holmes asked if anyone is not in favor of metamask style plug in? He shared that he has talked to people across the board and they are all in favor so they could ask them to do some research.
  • All members agreed and Shawn volunteered to respond.

Zcon2 Lite

  • Hudson brought up that the Zcon Program Organizer wants to put him on a governance panel and wanted to see if another ZOMG member could participate in the Fireside Chat. Holmes volunteered to be the ZOMG representative at the fireside chat. Danika explained that there would also be a ZOMG panel on June 8th and would encourage as many ZOMG members to participate as possible.

Help for Admin Tasks/Assistant

  • ML reminded the members that this is a carryover from previous meetings and that Hudson had suggested this person be active on social media and follow up with applicants. Jack sent over something that is not someone that would take care of ZOMG’s needs.
  • Hudson volunteered to put together a description of tasks.
  • Shawn voiced that he is on-board with hiring someone to help with Danika’s responsibilities, Twitter, the forum (give them a handle).
  • ML brought up the idea of getting on a call with ZF & ECC.
  • Shawn replied that they are the 3 stewards of the Dev Fund but they are not sure what exactly they would talk about if ZF, ECC and ZOMG were on the same call.
  • Holmes said that it might be worth it to write up bounties and post a job description for the assistant. He brought up that they have talked about people who want to do something (applicants with marketing experience) and ZOMG has a need that they can fill directly. If ZOMG puts out something that they need social media support for ZOMG, people who want to do marketing could apply. He added that they should give people more guidance on what they should be proposing in the form of bounties. He suggested they focus on the job description then they could draft another bounty.
  • Hudson volunteered to create the job description
  • ML added that she will be working on the framework in the next 2 weeks and was not sure what metrics they should put out there so applicants can be stacked up next to each other. She recommended having a more integrated way of awarding vs ad hoc.
  • Holmes agreed and added that they don’t need much of a process around it because ZOMG knows what is needed to do the job like managing social media.

Jack’s email RE ZIP2014 update

  • ML suggested to have a chat with Jack before they post Chris’s doc. She pointed out that it is fair to have a conversation before ZOMG makes sweeping suggestions to the ZIP since ZOMG is still a child of the ZF. Chris said he is fine with that and Holmes said it would give them good insight into what ZF is feeling.
  • Chris reminded the members that it is divided into 1) Goals for next election and 2) Goals for the future. There is also mention of the stress/friction that current ZOMG members have had, coming at it from a problem solving standpoint and making ZOMG’s intentions clear.
  • ML volunteered to coordinate scheduling a 30-min call with Jack in a week. All members confirmed they can attend.

Arborists call updates

  • ML brought up that Steven suggested ZOMG have a liaison that joins this call but wasn’t sure about it
  • Hudson shared that he has been attending arborist calls to help improve the process (not at an official capacity) and had a meeting about ETH and ZEC cross-pollination. He said that the calls are deep in the weeds so they are mostly not relevant to ZOMG but he can make a soft commitment to be the liaison.
  • Hudson agreed to respond on thread on the forum.


  • ML pointed out that they are getting good shares and retweets to congratulations posts and suggested that the person who approves a grant puts out a fun retweet.

Summary of Action Items:

  • Ask Questions to Zeme Team (Hudson)
  • Respond to Payment Gateway (ML)
  • Respond to A lightweight web wallet for Zcash (Shawn)
  • Respond to Zcon2 Lite organizer informing her that Holmes will represent ZOMG in the Fireside chat (Hudson)
  • Create description of tasks for assistant (Hudson)
  • Coordinate a meeting with Jack (ML)

It should be noted that I believe this is a mixup & misunderstanding of two separate projects. The project @Shawn is referencing, which is @ Just_zArt on Twitter & ZEC.art, is a separate project from this ZemeTeam project.


Thanks for the clarification, indeed I may be mixing up pseudonymous users.


I just want to note that this is likely an error on my part. I assumed there was a relationship between two different Twitter handles (Ziga and just_zArt) which have been producing Zcash related art/meme content. I apologize if I mixed separate projects up.

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Thank you all for taking the time to discuss the Zeme Team project. I’m not sure if this is the correct place to respond (it’s not very clear). Not sure, but I’ve responded to your comments/questions below for now.

Shawn shared that he has seen Ziga on Twitter and noted that they started Zcash art. He added that they have been going on Fiverr and have hired someone to make Zcash related art. Shawn pointed out that he was not sure about the copyrights for the artwork as someone is already using the artwork and making t-shirts.

There is a mix up here which has been addressed below. We only created our own art. We never paid anyone on Fiverr to make Zcash related art.

Chris said that he reviewed the Twitter handle and deemed the memes to be good, pointing out an example of ZEC-shield = BTC. He added that there is a sleek feel to what they are doing and they are only asking for 10% upfront. Additionally, it is more constructive for someone to build a platform instead of someone who is just creating viral content. Hudson agreed that inviting other creators would make it multiply and be a bigger thing. He also liked that they are doing coding and UI/UX.

Agree. Building a platform is the ideal way to go.

Holmes disclosed that he has done marketing stuff including blockchain related stuff and he saw a few red flags: 1) He wants to see a portfolio outside this work because it is hard to evaluate what high level skills they are bringing 2) There are not many retweets and he would want to see a list of the biggest retweeted lists so far to see how far they are resonate with people.

We’re more than happy to share a portfolio.

Here are a few Tweet examples:

  1. The Ziga account started the entire :shield: in username movement on Twitter.

  2. x.com

  3. x.com

  4. x.com

  5. x.com

  6. x.com

  7. x.com

Please keep in mind this Twitter account was only started 3 months ago with 0 followers. We’ve generated 1M Tweet impressions within a few months. The community is loving the content we’re producing. The Ziga account has been one of the most popular Zcash related accounts in the past few months.

ML commented that she looked at the Twitter handle and she did not love their stuff. She also pointed out that, like Chris has said, many applications are going to be marketing grants and she doesn’t feel hot about this content.

We’re proposing to build a Zcash community marketing platform. We’re not seeking funding for the creation of our own art. Our goal is to generate Zcash art from hundreds or thousands of people.

Hudson volunteered to respond and ask, “where have you seen this successfully work?,” how will they deal with copyright violations, request a portfolio/success stories, and ask if they could present a budget that could be scaled down to cost less.

We’re more than happy to share a portfolio. Where should we send it?

We plan to follow the industry standards for user generated content platforms. Copyrights will be taken down if/when reported. Users can submit a ticket to us and we’ll review it.

Unfortunately, the budget to build the project is already lower than it would actually cost to build. We’re building it at a discount to help grow the community. Happy to discuss this in more detail.

I just want to note that this is likely an error on my part. I assumed there was a relationship between two different Twitter handles (Ziga and just_zArt) which have been producing Zcash related art/meme content. I apologize if I mixed separate projects up.

Thank you for correcting this error. I appreciate it. We have no association with just_zArt.