After discussions with multiple stakeholders, the ZF board has approved a plan to postpone the ZOMG elections for 90 days in order to ensure all voices are heard as we move forward with improving and growing the community’s major grants work. In an effort to communicate quickly and transparently, I can only share tentative plan details at this time. Full details will be provided once we’ve had the time and perspective required to put dates to activities.
ZF will work with ECC to reschedule the Summit call that was scheduled for earlier this week. The action items from that call will be helpful in prioritizing scheduling for other election-related activities.
ZF will postpone the community call scheduled for next week with a make-up date to be announced soon.
ZF is working with ZOMG to create a temporary action plan to fill the gap at the end of the current member’s terms, until the new group is elected. There is ongoing foundational work related to documenting current processes, creating new processes (like issuing ZOMG Request for Proposals), and maintaining current open grants. These activities all require attention over the coming weeks in order to set up the new committee for success.
I will be posting a forum response on Monday related to the conflict of interest questions highlighted in this post in regards to future ZOMG member’s activities. This guidance might impact the current candidates’ desire to run. We’re waiting on the official response from our outside legal counsel.
I would like to extend a personal thank you to the ZOMG members, ECC team members, and community members (and, of course, ZF team members and board) that have reached out to me directly to offer their support and to share their concerns about the timing of the upcoming elections and potential solutions to ensure positive and constructive outcomes.
Again, thank you for your patience while we work through this challenging time. I will share additional details when they’re available.