Announcing my official candidacy for position on the major grant review committee:

personally don’t believe MGRC should sit around and wait for proposals. MGRC should actively recruit teams to research/complete projects the community would like to see deployed on zcash. could have quarterly, or monthly (for smaller projects) ZCAP votes for projects the community would like MGRC to pursue.

for example, i’d really like to see someone figure out how to use zcash as a raw pass through mixer for multiple cryptocurrencies, and think a type of ZEC reflex bond could be useful too. if no team’s offering proposals, and ZEC community decided to back these examples; community could direct MGRC to locate competent teams to build ZEC’s “pet projects”.

imo, MGRC shouldn’t just sit back and wait for proposals to analyze. MGRC should be a proactive organization to complete the triforce.