April 17, 2020 - Weekly Forum Update

This week I learned about the life and work of John Conway, a prolific mathematician and celebrated professor who passed away earlier this week. Rest in peace.

Here are the updates from this week:

This week in privacy, “If you think of privacy as a right, you shouldn’t have to pay for it,” said Justin Brookman, director of consumer privacy and technology policy for the nonprofit Consumer Reports. “The law should be protecting us, and people shouldn’t have to worry about it.” Privacy-as-a-service is big business, but it also deepens inequalities by charging you for something that in theory should be free.

Vice covers 30 regimes using coronavirus as an excuse to limit freedoms and repress citizens. You’ve heard about privacy concerns related to corona contact-tracing apps in US and Europe, but take some time to read about the invasive tracking app recently endorsed by the Indian government.

In crypto news, Decrypt wrote about the Zboard news project. Least Authority posted a blog explaining ZKAPs which includes the video from March’s Zeal call. Registrations are still open for the ZKProof3 Workshop.