Buggy grant form

I’m trying to write a grant proposal on https://zcashgrants.org/ and the rich text editing text boxes are terrible. Just typing and hitting the wrong keystroke clears the whole thing, and with only a couple strokes on the undo stack, I couldn’t bring it back. So I switched to authoring in Word, but copy-paste from Word to the rich text box on the form messed up formatting so badly that I had to copy-paste to Notepad first and then from there to the form to remove all formatting. Then I have to be very careful to only add minimal formatting (e.g. italics) to what I pasted in, because if I hit a single editing keystroke (a letter, a backspace, etc), the whole text field gets corrupted, as it duplicates the whole thing, putting the second half of it on the top and other bits in other random places.
I’ve had to start over so many times. Please fix this.


We’ve submitted a ticket to the provider detailing the issues you’ve shared. Recent changes to the platform have caused several issues which have been slow to be resolved on the provider’s side.

We’re looking forward to the implementation of a new grant management solution once the contract expires in December (Github or other, TBD) and ZCG moves under FPF.

Please post your grant to the forum when you’re ready and then you can edit the post with the link once the issue is resolved. Thanks.