Cake Technologies Zcash Mobile Wallet Design & Development

Hi @cakewallet and welcome to the forums!

I have heard good things about Cake wallet from some of my friends in the Monero community.

Can you provide a more in-depth cost breakdown to show how you arrived at a quarter of a million dollars to accomplish this integration?

I understand it’s easy to look at the grants platform and see what other wallets like ZecWallet and Nighthawk were granted and set the price somewhere in the same ballpark, but since much of your platform is already built with nice UX (a good thing!) I’m having a hard time envisioning the amount of hours/time/complexity that adding Zcash will entail.

Your current application uses broad terminology:

Milestone 1: Expand developer team, wallet proof of concept Milestone 2: Deliver reliable ZEC wallet with core send/receive/backup functionality Milestone 3: Polishing bells and whistles on ZEC integration (Cake Exchange, Thorchain, other miscellaneous)

And broad goals:

Send ZEC to shielded addresses
Send ZEC to transparent addresses (with significant warning)
Receive ZEC to shielded addresses
Backup wallet with mnemonic seed
Send transactions with an optional included encrypted memo
Ability to generate and save new z-addresses under the same seed

Whereas, ZecWallet provides a very detailed breakdown of work per milestone like this:

Nighthawk provides detailed forum posts and milestones:

Additionally, in my opinion, having these details will show that your team has a deep understanding of the unique complexities (lightwalletd, shielded memos, Unified Addresses, blaze-sync, etc…) that supporting Zcash needs.

Thank you