Create Mining Pool for me (reward in ZECs)

Is there anybody who can setup mining pool on my server. complete install and configuration?

i will pay in ZEC :slight_smile: how much ?

anybody from Czech ? ? who wants to crete mining pool in czech republic?

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thanks, i know this and i tried install it but stop with error:

2017-04-04 21:19:30 [Payments] [zcash] Finished interval - time spent: 133ms total, 31ms redis, 112ms daemon RPC
2017-04-04 21:19:30 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 1) Loading last proxy state from redis
2017-04-04 21:19:30 [Pool] [zcash] (Thread 1) Share processing setup with redis (
if (!payload) throw new Error(‘Invalid checksum’)

Error: Invalid checksum
at Object.decode (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/bs58check/index.js:48:23)
at Object.fromBase58Check (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib-zcash/src/address.js:8:27)
at Object.exports.createGeneration (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/transactions.js:87:46)
at new BlockTemplate (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/blockTemplate.js:43:35)
at JobManager.processTemplate (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/jobManager.js:123:32)
at /home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/pool.js:578:66
at itemFinished (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:155:36)
at /home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:169:17
at parseJson (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:85:17)
at IncomingMessage. (/home/pool/z-nomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:95:17)
2017-04-04 21:19:31 [Master] [PoolSpawner] Fork 0 died, spawning replacement worker…

Can you share your zcash node version and nodejs version?

Zcash Daemon version v1.0.8
njson 0.0.4 ? i am not sure how to get this

i installed folowed there instructions, so it install json

sudo apt-get install build-essential libsodium-dev npm redis-server git
sudo npm install n -g
sudo n stable
git clone GitHub - z-classic/z-nomp: z-nomp is mining pool software for Zcash and Zclassic so you can create internet money in your home! z-nomp
cd z-nomp
npm update
npm install