Detailed Description:
Our team plans to create a Greek community for ZCash. Our idea includes the creation of content translated into Greek and more specifically a newsletter that will be promoted in a Greek Twitter account that will be grown organically and around which the Greek community will be structured. Afterwards we plan to translate any documentation available for translation. By creating a Greek community, the Greek audience will become more engaged with ZCash. The rate of engagement of Greeks with cryptocurrencies is relatively low. A big problem in this is the lack of knowledge of the English language. Many Greeks use English only at a basic level, i.e. what the tourism industry requires. That is why creating a community in their native language will give them the impetus to be more active with ZCash.
Our team consists of experienced translators and Community Managers. We have a background in many Crypto Projects such as Monero, Ocean Protocol, Aave and others and have consequently gained a lot of experience in Community Building.
You can find more about our previous work and our team here:
Milestone 1:
Creation of the newsletter and translation of blog posts.
Translation of the original tweets and repost them on our Greek Crypto Community account.
Milestone 2:
- Translation of the Documentation.
We are applying for $5000 for our project.
The funding will be used to cover the team’s salary, the costs of professional translators and the expansion of our project. We estimate that we will spend 100 hours to complete the project and credit $50 per hour.
Within one month of the confirmation of the grant, the project will be completed.