Disappeared zec from zcash wallet

Hi, I used z_sendmany to send 6.41 zec from my taddr to another addr. Then I used z_getoperationresult and got the following message:
“id”: “opid-884e2b70-a6a6-4411-98c5-9a0c6ea8bbeb”,
“status”: “success”,
“creation_time”: 1561790945,
“result”: {
“txid”: “d6f2d8903da08589767e4d6d049214b69dad7bbb44c6509582f474cc8dece7e8”
“execution_secs”: 79.824604024,
“method”: “z_sendmany”,
“params”: {
“fromaddress”: “t1WpsKMgkALFDT7W8CjgVo5x3smjErY6m2N”,
“amounts”: [
“amount”: 6.41,
“address”: “t1eYDkmDbQxX2Qz8wKQ9ap2Tw2gLqxvih3V”
“minconf”: 1,
“fee”: 0.0001

It seems the transaction succeed. However, the destination address does not receive zec from my taddr, and there is no transaction confirmation found. Also, there is no such transaction found on Zcash Blockchain Explorer & API and the transparent is still 6.41. However, when I used getinfo to check my balance, I got the following message:

“version”: 2000650,
“protocolversion”: 170007,
“walletversion”: 60000,
“balance”: 0.01746450,
“blocks”: 324656,
“timeoffset”: 0,
“connections”: 2,
“proxy”: “”,
“difficulty”: 10067742.92109893,
“testnet”: false,
“keypoololdest”: 1502516181,
“keypoolsize”: 101,
“paytxfee”: 0.00000000,
“relayfee”: 0.00000100,
“errors”: “”

And when I tried to use z_sendmany to start another transaction, I got the following operation result:
“id”: “opid-fb505c95-478a-41be-b7ed-acc65b3a7ade”,
“status”: “failed”,
“creation_time”: 1561962663,
“error”: {
“code”: -6,
“message”: “Insufficient funds, no UTXOs found for taddr from address.”
“method”: “z_sendmany”,
“params”: {
“fromaddress”: “t1WpsKMgkALFDT7W8CjgVo5x3smjErY6m2N”,
“amounts”: [
“amount”: 6.41,
“address”: “zcLNDQitzQxbuuqec1J4g1zPvXD2Yzmcp3yYWL2yVGhFFDfGztZw76EhTmXuiZpn3bRtdUWqNGAL9UCTYifkFU56fWmXm5Z”
“minconf”: 1,
“fee”: 0.0001

It seems that my 6.41 zec are disappear. So, how can I get my zec back? Is there anyone can help?

Seems your wallet isn’t fully synced yet.

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thank you for your reply!

What is the problem with the blocks parameter? I saw it change every time I called the getinfo method.

Any solution for that?

You should keep the zcashd running and wait till the number is about 559,000. Check the chain height on https://zcha.in.

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