Is Zerocoin similar enough to bitcoin to allow support from a light wallet like electrum?
I note that Electrum-Dash provides users with a subset of the features offered by Dash (ie: no darksend) which is why I thought the same might be possible for Zerocoin.
Interesting! Thanks for the tip. I did not know about Electrum-Dash. Zcash is very similar to Bitcoin, yes. I’ll try to get in touch with some Electrum developers and ask them about it.
Why back when I wrote to someone at Electrum and got a positive reply to my comment about Bitcoin and Zcash similarities. Maybe all us Electrum and Zcash enthusiasts oughta bug 'em some more.
If you notice how wallets like Jaxx get by without supporting Zcash’s privacy features, a Zcash version of Electrum could do the same. However, methods for offloading proof generation for private transactions are coming.