These past few months, I have been looking into Zcash more seriously and wanted to give back in some way.
I am starting a community written Zcash book, in the style of Zero to Monero, in order to attract more cryptocurrency enthusiasts to Zcash. Hopefully, with this book, prospective developers and researchers aren’t intimidated by Zk-SNARKs and the underlying tech behind zcash.
You can use the Word Marks in book and article titles, and the Logo in illustrations within the document, as long as the use does not suggest that we have published, endorse, or agree with your work.
Preferably something catchy. Something with both alliteration and rhyming. But, if that’s not possible, then it should rhyme to ensure the maximal catchyness of the book title. Something in the lines of “cash → e-cash → Zcash”?