Embracing Effort and Constructive Feedback in the Zcash Community

With respect, it sounds like you missed my point. I wasn’t calling you out for speaking your mind, I was attempting to illuminate that policing speech is challenging. A tweet doesn’t capture tone, context or even intent very well. There are all sorts of dynamics at play. We need more truth-telling, even at the cost of hurt feelings. :wink:

In the tweet thread, which includes a number of Zcashers, I see frustration that we spent a lot of money for footage that laid dormant for 3 years and a dissatisfaction with what has been received so far. I hope that isn’t lost in this conversation. I also see a positive discussion about use cases and telling the story of Zcash users. I hope that isn’t lost either. It’s a good idea worth exploring.

I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but in the case of QEDIT, Jon and I spoke on Thursday about how the process could be improved so that concerns and challenges could be raised earlier in the process.

I also believe a change in how funding decisions are made under a new dev fund, through a decentralized multisig type decision-making structure, would would be a powerful means for ensuring funds are allocated well and key contributors are in the loop and supportive.