The Cambrian Interface Explosion

I appreciate your enthusiasm for ECC’s commitment to participate in the grants process! :tada: As a long-time supporter for broader organizational involvement, I find this development encouraging. :clap:

Given that the ZCG process is expected to continue in its current form into 2025, I agree it’s prudent to take proactive steps now to help provide feedback for grant proposals which will help ensure funds are allocated well. :rocket: @joshs, please let me know what I can do to facilitate ECC’s involvement. I’m ready to help ECC gain the necessary access to the grants platform and ensure they’re properly notified of new grant submissions. :computer::bar_chart: Let’s discuss the specifics of how to make this collaboration as smooth and effective as possible.

This increased participation from ECC could be a significant step towards a more inclusive and effective decision-making process for fund allocation. :handshake: I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops! :star2: