Equihash miners comparison

Hey, Guys!

We just writing an article about Equihash miners. Could you please help with comparison of miners. Also will be appreciate for any additional information about Equihash mining (like using dockers, etc…).

Here is the link to public google spreadsheet, just add links and information please:

I have added some information.

But for what type of article are you writing about?

Great, thanks. Will check this.

We are writing article about bitcoin gold mining guide.

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where is it going to be publiched?

and if you need to more information I’m here to help you :slight_smile:

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on howtotoken.com . How could I contact you (maybe telegram?)

How to contact you? (My telegram: @ksshilov) My email: ks.shilov@gmail.com We have a closed group of experts who help us writing educational articles send me your telegram nickname I will send you invite link

me, me, pick me - GitHub - mtve/yazecminer: yet another ZEC miner - CPU and JS miners

some light needed to be shed on this matter.