Mining Writing Tutorial

Some of us are OpenCL and CUDA programmers but may be having trouble wrapping our heads around the Equihash math. The papers aren’t particularly easy to read. I’ve created a wiki tutorial so that the theory behind this mining algorithm can be explained fully from start to finish, please contribute!

Credit goes to nginnever for creating the seed that this page is based on:

Please take a look and if you see anything incorrect, or have additions to make, please make them.


It looks like there was a DNS issue with the site, it’s now been fixed (if it doesn’t work check back soon).

If you have any insights to add to the doc, please add them! There’s no sign up required to contribute, so no friction involved.

Credit should also be given to the author’s of the equihash paper and references therein as well as to the zcash team for implementation details.

Will cite sources asap

EDIT, I see that you have links to the sources already, nice work!

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Cool, although I’m not doing references inline where appropriate (I need to learn how to do this with wikitext)

link broken on 17-Dec-2017